TRANSMITTER SONDE PL18-33M10M and M12F (18 MM, 33 KHZ)



  • Transmitter sonde PL18-33
  • Battery compartment with M10 male mounting thread
  • 3.6V Lithium battery LS14250
  • Plastic storage box SB18
  • Quick guide



Transmitter sonde, PL18-33M10M


Transmitter sonde PL18-33 is a small pipe transmitter sonde which is an efficient accessory for the Vesala
CL43 Compact Locator and other cable tracers and pipe locators using the 33kHz tracing frequency.

Using a pipe transmitter sondeSONDE SPETCIFICATIONS PDF.

PL18-33 powers on when the battery compartment is turned to the transmitter section. Sonde can attached
to the push rod (snake) at first, with the threaded sleeve of the battery compartment and secondly, with tape.
After that the sonde isUSER MANUAL PDF. pushed into the target pipe using the push rod.

To avoid loosing signal e.g. at corners the sonde is traced with a cable tracer receiver along as it moves ahead.
If sonde hits an obstacle or blockage, it´s possible to define the location and depth very accurately, which
reduces unnecessary digging.

PL18-33 has a red power-on LED at the end of the sonde. LED goes off if battery is weak. PL18-33 diameter is
18.2mm and length with standard battery compartment 85mm. Transmitted signal is continuous 32.768 kHz.